Portal 2
Extremely good story, good game. Great idea for a game.
One thing I forgot to mention in the last post, was that this game is about Portals. Kind of obvious, really. But it goes like this: You have a gun, with every left click is a blue portal, and right click is an orange portal. You need to have two portals, and when you enter one you come out of another. Example, you walk into the blue portal, you come out from the orange one. Really paradox-like sometimes.
So at the end Portal 1, the story ends with Glados' death. The giant crazy robot in charge of the whole science facility (called Aperture Science) that tried to kill you. You blew her and the facility up into pieces, and the ending credits of Portal 1 says that she is still alive - through a very creative song called "still alive".
So in Portal 2 I wake up in a room that looks like a hotel room and a robotic man's voice asks me to walk around, jump, and then go back to sleep.
Then I wake up the second time, woken up by a robotic head with a more realistic voice and an awesome Australian accent. I love this guy, he's hilarious. Both him and Glados.
Both of us attempt to escape from the facility, which is now run down and nature is taking over it. Grass everywhere.
I walk into the main chamber where I killed Glados the first time. It was supposed to be exploded, though I'm not sure what happened in between because I must have been asleep for years, my guess.
So apparently, the robotic Australian-accent head thing tries to take over Glados' body, and accidentally woke her up. Then she picks both of us, the robotic head and I, up with a large metal clip-looking hand and presses on the robotic head, and putting me into another test chamber.
So I am just supposed to perform various tests, and once in awhile I see the head. Luckily, he's still alive and he's trying to break us out of here.
Once he does, we ran away and then we exchange the turrets (spherical objects full of bullets that shoot at me) with the broken robots. Causing the entire turret supply line to be filled with wrong the robots.
Then we cut the supply of poison gas. Can't remember what was the name again.
Then she manages to recapture me, but this time when I escape I put the robot head into a machine and exchange the bodies of him and Glados.
After that he went insane, and turned Glados into a potato then threw both of us down what she called the "bottomless pit" which was not so bottomless.
Then after I reach the bottom, I will keep going up through lifts and stuff like that. In the mean time, found Glados.
As we were going up to kill the robot head, it seems that the "bottomless pit" is actually part of the facility that looks like it was from the 1960's or maybe older. (Random guess.)
Then there are recorded messages playing in various old rooms/test chambers that I enter, and it was apparently the voice of the robotic head. His name was Wheatley, and Glados' voice appeared and was named Caroline.
Soon, it turns out that Wheatley and Caroline was once humans and when they died their minds were programmed and put into robots.
Wheatley was once boss of the company, and Caroline was his assistant. One of the pre-recorded messages, most likely the last one, hinted that Wheatley was about to die, and he put Caroline in charge. After that, both of them were programmed and put into robots, but without memories of their human bodies. In turn, Wheatley once called it "smelly humans".
After that, I found Wheatley and he's trying to test some weird test subject he created. Then he found me and tests me again. He stated that when he doesn't test, he has a really bad itch.
After 16 tests which were insanely difficult, he tries to kill me by smashing spiked plates on me.
I find his "lair" and Glados and I planned to attach some corrupted objects on him so they can do that body transfer again.
My job was to attack him and damage him, then plug Glados in, and push a button. Apparently, Wheatley booby-trapped the button and the sides exploded, sending me flying out of the small room.
I get up and apparently - still alive- the transfer is going. While it is, he tries to kill both of us, smashing a hole in the ceiling. I sent a portal under him, and one on the moon. Yes, the moon.
So the portal absorbs Wheatley and I into space, but Glados saved me and I blacked out. When I woke up in the lift and I turned into her best friend. According to her, she learned several valuable lessons through Caroline, although to me it doesn't really make sense.
Then she sends me off. As I go out, there are turrets singing to me. Then a door opens. Sun, yellow tall grass or wheat or whatever it was, blue sky. A door slams, and you turn around not to see a facility, but a mere shed.
Glados sings another ending song, and the scene turns to Wheatley. He was tremendously sorry and regretful, and behind him a corrupted head - robot thing I plugged into his previous body - was flying around in space screaming "I'm in Space!" and "space!"
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