Friday, 31 August 2012

Scoliosis pt 1: types of scoliosis, how to get it, prevention, and cure

I've had scoliosis and I was cured. I thought I should share tips for people who are going through it.

Lot's of people are having scoliosis - especially girls aged from 8 to 18.
Normally girls get it, it would feel normal.
Boys hardly get it, but when they do it becomes very very serious.

Noticing it
You might have it when you see that your body is not exactly straight. if your hip and your upper body are not aligned properly, it is recommended to go take a surgery and look for a doctor. As a Malaysian, a doctor and surgeon at University Malaya cured me. The Orthopedic Specialist: Dr. Saw Lim Beng.

Types of scoliosis
There are two types. Having a spine curved into a 'C' shape is one, and the other is having a spine curved into an 'S' shape.
I experienced the most common one, the 'S' shaped. The S shape can occur separately, like it curves at the top or bottom. When it curves at the top, try to avoid letting it get too serious because it might affect heart and lungs. Curves at the bottom that get too serious will cause disability due to injuring of the nerves in the legs.

How does a person get it
Some people get it through accidents, or through inheritance. Getting it through inheritance has not been proven yet though. You could get it through falling on your back or bottom, carrying too much loads like heavy bags to school etc., not enough exercise, and not enough calcium.

How to prevent
If you had scoliosis and want your child to avoid it, this might help.

  1. Do not carry heavy loads too much - especially for a child. Children nowadays have to carry bags 2-4 kgs to school, that is very bad and unhealthy for their spine. Try to use bags that have wheels.
  2. Don't carry bags that use only one shoulder. It is not balanced.
  3. Exercise regularly. Strengthening the muscles and joints in the body will support your spine.
  4. Make sure your body has much calcium.
  5. Do not hunch the back too much, or sitting in a incorrect/unbalanced posture too long.
  6. Do not sit too long - especially for children. It will cause spine to weaken.

Cure, treatment, and solution

Scoliosis seriousness is defined in degrees. Having a degree above 45 is a dangerous zone. If it is below 45 in Malaysia, surgery is not allowed in the government hospital. You are required to do specific exercises to try to prevent worsening (doesn't work for a lot of people unless you work exceptionally hard to cure it.)

Drinking more milk, exercising very often, and going to a chiropractor can help.

The most usual solution is undergoing scoliosis surgery. The process is they will straighten the spine and then putting a metal plate - screwing it down on your spine. If your scoliosis is only half your body, you can do half only.

In Hong Kong, there is a treatment where they put a magnet in your spine and start straightening it. This is very recommended for children who are still growing. Because if you are still growing and you put metal plates in your body, the metal would be stretched and may injure your nervous system - causing disability.

read more in part 2!

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